
Arthroscopic Surgery

A minimally invasive surgical technique, arthroscopic surgery is used by orthopedic surgeons to examine and possibly treat the internal structure of a joint.

In an arthroscopic procedure, a surgeon makes a small incision and inserts an arthroscope. The arthroscope has a small lens and lighting system. The arthroscope is attached to a small television camera. The structures of the area being examined are magnified and displayed to a television monitor.

This minimally invasive surgical procedure is commonly used by surgeons to examine the knee, shoulder, elbow, wrist, ankle and hip. Examples of conditions a surgeon performing an arthroscopy is looking for include damage caused by an injury (tears or wear), loose cartilage, loose bone and possibly inflammation. An arthroscopy may be done if the results of a patient x-ray or other imaging are inconclusive. Sometimes a patient’s disorder can be repaired after an arthroscopic examination, avoiding a second surgery. The procedure is mostly commonly used for knee and shoulder surgery.

Arthroscopy Benefits

Benefits of arthroscopic surgery when compared to traditional surgery include less post-operative pain, less scarring, faster recovery times, lower risk of complications and shorter hospital stays.

Arthroscopy Risk

Like any major surgical procedure, an arthroscopy is not without risk. While risk associated with an arthroscopic procedure are rare, surgical risk should be a topic you discuss with your surgeon. Examples of possibly risk or complications as a result of an arthroscopic surgery include infection, swelling or an allergic reaction to anesthesia.

Common Conditions Treated Using Arthroscopic Surgery

Arthroscopic surgery may be used to examine or repair various disorders and injuries. Examples of conditions that can be treated using arthroscopic surgery include:

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear (ACL)
Baker’s Cyst
Knee Fracture
Loose Bodies
Posterior Cruciate Ligament Tear (PCL)
Meniscus Tear
Synovial Inflammation

Frozen Shoulder
Rotator Cuff Tear
Shoulder Impingement
Shoulder Instability

Hip Fracture Repair
Hip Debridement
Hip Impingement
Labrum Tear
Ligament Tear
Partial Synovectomy
Snapping Hip Syndrome

Arthroscopic procedures are often performed on an outpatient basis using a local anesthetic. Your surgeon should discuss preparation and the recovery process.

Joint Pain and Treatment

If you suffer from joint pain or any other musculoskeletal disorder, call Brooklyn Premier Orthopedics and make an appointment with one our highly experienced orthopedic doctors. Waiting to have a disorder or injury diagnosed and evaluated may limit treatment options. The majority of our patients will be able to regain functionality and relieve pain using combination of conservative, non-operative treatments.



Hip, Knee, Shoulder, Elbow

Dr. Don Heitman
Dr. Raz Winiarsky

Hand, Wrist, Thumb, Finger

Dr. Michael Horowitz

Ankle, Big Toe

Dr. David Mandil
Dr. Daniel Popowitz

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